Составьте диалог Doctor and Patient пожалуйста

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77 просмотров

Составьте диалог Doctor and Patient пожалуйста


Английский язык (76 баллов) | 77 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Doctor: Hello, take a seat, please.

Patient: Good afternoon, doctor!

D: What's troubling you?

P: Doctor, I have a bad cough which is followed by pain in my throat.

D: When did you first feel ill?

P: Two days ago.

D: I see. I'll make out a prescription for you. These are pills for your sore throat.

P: How do I take this medicine?

D: Take one pill two times a day after meals.

P: And will I feel better soon?

D: You'll be fine in two days, don't worry...

P: Thank you, doctor!

D: You are welcome!

P: Good bye!

D: Good bye!

(17.5k баллов)