Переведите ** английский , пожалуйста 1. Мне интересно, почему ваша компания не получила...

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18 просмотров

Переведите на английский , пожалуйста 1. Мне интересно, почему ваша компания не получила прибыль в прошлом месяце. 2. Вы подписали документы вчера? - Нет, вчера я не успела. Было много работы. У нас была встреча с представителями американской компании. 3. Ты оплатил счета в прошлом месяце? 4. Вчера господин Смит не закончил перевод предварительного договора с компанией «Флоренс»? 5. Он приехал в офис, заполнил документы на командировку и поехал за билетами на поезд 6. Мне интересно, когда он закончил перевод соглашения? - 10 минут назад. 7. Елена отправила приказ вчера? - Да. Она вчера подписала его и отправила «Новой почтой». 8. Почему ты не позвонил вчера? - Простите, я был очень занят и поздно пришел с работы. 9. Вы знаете, кто сделал эту смету на прошлой неделе? 10. Ты получил премию в прошлом месяце? - Нет я получил только зарплату.

Английский язык (18 баллов) | 18 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
0 голосов

1. I’m wondering why your company didn’t make a profit last month.
2. Did you sign the documents yesterday? - No, yesterday I did not have time. There was a lot of work. We had a meeting with representatives of the American company.
3. Did you pay your bills last month?
4. Yesterday Mr. Smith did not finish the translation of the preliminary contract with Florence?
5. He arrived at the office, filled out the documents for a business trip and went to get train tickets
6. I wonder when he finished translating the agreement? - 10 minutes ago.
7. Did Elena send the order yesterday? - Yes. She signed it yesterday and sent it by New Mail.
8. Why didn't you call yesterday? - Sorry, I was very busy and late came from work.
9. Do you know who made this estimate last week?
10. Did you get an award last month? - No, I received only a salary.

(38 баллов)
0 голосов

1. It is interesting to me why your company did not get profit last month.

2. Did you sign documents yesterday? - No, yesterday I was not in time. There was a lot of work. We had a meeting with representatives of the American company.

3. Did you pay bills last month?

4. Yesterday mister Smith did not finish a translation of the preliminary contract with the Florence company?

5. He arrived to office, filled out documents on a business trip and went behind train tickets

6. It is interesting to me when it finished a translation of the agreement? - 10 minutes ago.

7. Elena sent the order yesterday? - Yes. She signed it yesterday and sent by "New mail".

8. Why you did not call yesterday? - Forgive, I was very busy and late came from work.

9. Do you know who made this estimate last week?

10. Did you get an award last month? - No, I got paid only.

(14 баллов)