1. Max is not here. He is washing his car. He washes it every weekend. Действие происходит прямо сейчас, нужен Present continuous. То, что он моет машину каждую неделю - это повторяющееся действие, используем present simple.
2. He will not play the piano tomorrow. Tomorrow - маркер Future Simple.
3. We saw a very good film last Sunday. Last - маркер Past simplte.
4. Does your mother cook every day? Every day - маркер Present simple.
5. We made a fire last summer. Last - маркер Past Simple.
6. I spent last summer at the seaside. Last - Past Simple.
7. Where did you spend last summer? Тоже самое, что и предыдущие.
8. Where will he spend next summer? Next - маркер Future Simple.
9. What is your mother doing now? Now - маркер Continuous. She is cooking dinner. Она сейчас готовит, поэтому Present Cont.
10. I did not play computer games yesterday. Yesterday - маркер Past simplte.
11. Last Sunday we went to the theatre. Last - маркер Past Simple.
12. I met my friend yesterday. Yesterday - маркер Past Simple.
13. I wrote a letter to my cousin yesterday. Тоже, что и в предыдущем.
14. Will you write a dictation tomorrow? Tomorrow - маркер Future Simple.
15. I am not writing a report now. Now - маркер Continuous.
16. Mother cooked a marvellous dinner yesterday. Yesterday - маркер Past Simple.
17. Tomorrow Nick will not go to school. Tomorrow - маркер Future. I don`t think so.