I don’t think his dream will ever come true. He has a pipe dream. (несбыточная мечта)
He seems to be depressed. He really needs the dome-doctor. (психолог/психиатр)
It’s unfair. You’re always passing the torch for me! (перекладываешь ответственность на меня)
We should not criticize other people for bad qualities in their character that we have ourselves. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. (это пословица: люди, которые живут в стеклянных домах, не должны бросаться камнями)
I admire her voice. She really has a set of pipes . (певческий голос)
He has always carried a torch for Jessica, but she seems not to notice. She really has a heart of stone. (каменное сердце)
Women have made progress in breaking through the glass ceiling to reach top positions. ("стеклянный потолок", то есть невидимый барьер, который препятствует продвижению человека по профессиональной лестнице и занятию ним высоких позиций в бизнесе или политике.)