ПОМОГИТЕ!! Тест!! 25 БАЛЛОВ ДАМ! 11. We picked some flowers, … many there. 1. there is 2....

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58 просмотров

ПОМОГИТЕ!! Тест!! 25 БАЛЛОВ ДАМ! 11. We picked some flowers, … many there. 1. there is 2. there were 3. there was 4. there will be 5. there are 12. I … to speak English well next year, if I work hard. 1. could 2. must 3. may 4. will be able 5. might. 13. He … promised a good collection of stamps last month. 1. will be 2. is 3. was 4. had been 5. has 14. During the lesson the student … about something else. 1. thinking 2. was thinking 3. thought 4. have thought 5. are thought 15. Are you sure, the magazines … not in your briefcase? 1. have 2. has 3. are 4. is 5. was. 16. Have you seen Nikolayev today? - He … his report on the lecture now. 1. is making 2. make 3. makes 4. was making 5. will make 17. Have you ever been to Kiev? - No, but my brother … 1. have 2. has 3. having 4. does 5. did 18. What grammar rules did you learn last time? - We … the three forms of irregular verbs. 1. have learnt 2. had learnt 3. were learning 4. learnt 5. was learning 19. I know you're going to Germany next year. How long … there? 1. have you stayed 2. did you stay 3. will you stay 4. do you stay 5. was stay 20. – Look, … very interesting books on this shelf. 1. there was 2. there are 3. there will be 4. there were 5. there is 21. My bus leaves at 12 sharp. So I … go. 1. can 2. am able to 3. may 4. must 5. could 22. The film … about last year. 1. will be much spoken 2. is much 3. was much spoken 4. were much spoken 5. are much spoken 23. Come and see my new furniture … in the store department yesterday. 1. bought 2. buying 3. buy 4. was bought 5. is bought 24. I suppose you know him well – probably … than anybody else. 1. better 2. more well 3. best 4. good 5. well

Английский язык (169 баллов) | 58 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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(31 баллов)
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11.there is

12.will be able


14.was thinking


16.is making


18.have learnt

19.will you stay

20.there are


22.was much spoken



(20 баллов)