Выберите правильную форму глагола: 1. I ... а full-time student now. 1. Is 2.Shall be...

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121 просмотров

Выберите правильную форму глагола: 1. I ... а full-time student now. 1. Is 2.Shall be 3.Am 2. My friend ... а good teacher. 1. Are 2.Is 3.Am 3. We ... going to study Anatomy. 1. Are 2. Be 3. Is 4. Tomorrow we … … to the cinema. 1. Will go 2. Shall go 3. Have gone 5. I ... a family. 1. Had 2. Has 3. Have 6. Do you ... many friends? 1. Have 2. Has 3. Be 7. There ... 3 students. 1. Be 2. Are 3. Is 8. Are you ... to become a doctor? 1. Going 2. Go 3. Goes 9. You ... a first -year student. 1. Is 2. Will be 3. Are 10. Who … … midwives? 1. Shall be 2. Will be 3. Has been 11. We ... classes yesterday 1. Have 2. Has 3. Had 12. I ... a student in 1995 1. Was 2. Were 3. Be 13. Oleg … … as a dentist next year. 1. Shall work 2. Will work 3. Has worked 14. Will you ... free time next week-end? 1. Have 2. Has 3. Had 15. There ... a teacher at the table. 1. Is 2. Are 3.Be 16. ... your friend going to visit you? 1.Is 2. Are 3. Were

Английский язык (134 баллов) | 121 просмотров
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1. am
2. is
3. are
4. shall go
5. have
6. have
7. are
9. are
10. will be
11. had
12. was
13. will work
14. have
15. is
16. Is

(104 баллов)