1)In Great Britain there are three main types of educational institutions: primary schools, secondary schools and universities.
2)I’ll see that everything is properly packed and put into store.
3)London airport is unique in its layout. All passenger and control buildings are in the center of the airport.
1)My mother is afraid of rats.
2)At the end of the street she turned the corner, walked to the bus stop and began waiting for the bus.
3)She complained of feeling bad and could not answer the questions of the teacher.
1)Who created Mickey Mouse? - Кто создал Мики Мауса?
2)When I was about fifteen years old, I enjoyed playing football. - Когда мне было около 15 лет, я любил играть в футбол.
3)He knows several foreign languages. - Он знает несколько иностранных языков.
4)The Babylonians of 1800 B.C. hammered out their messages on stone tablets. - Вавилоняне 1800 г. до нашей эры писали письма на каменных скрижалях
5)I passed my entrance exams successfully a few days ago. - Я успешно сдал вступительные экзамены несколько дней назад