1. I know the author of this book and can confirm that he is extremely talented.
2. Young girls tend to fall in love with evil characters.
3. In my opinion, many modern films can be called disappointing.
4. My best friend is fond of fantasy films and books, so I want to give him the book 'The Witcher' as a birthday present.
5. I really can't stand this actor: he is so irritating while on stage.
6. My friend doesn't understand me because she thinks that action films are rather dull.
7. I wrote a negative review on this film recently and got many negative reviews on it.
8. Why do people like the main character? He is foolish and does wrong things!
9. The film is based on the popular fairy tail, so the film itself also became very popular.
10. My father adores evil geniuses in films because he thinks that it's interesting to watch their character's development.