A young couple was having a romantic dinner at an expensive restaurant when they saw an old lady who was looking them.
They smiled politely, but were suprised a little when the lady came over to their table.
The old lady told the young woman that she looked like her daughter who had died a year before.
The old woman said she would be happy if they said, ''Goodbye, Mum'' when she left the restaurant. How could they refuse?
A minute later the old lady stood up to leave.
The couple waved and said goodbye as the old lady had asked them.
When they received the bill, they saw it included the old lady's meal. They asked the manager what had happened. ''The bil includes the cost of your mother's meal'', he explained.
''She said you would pay for it'', the manager said.
Many girls dream of a career as an ice-skater.
The costumes and graceful movements look so attractive.
Ice-skating seems such a romantic thing to do.
Caroline Costner spends hours practising. She is naturally slim, but she has to watch her diet.
For Caroline, ice-skating is lots of fun.