Решите этот вариант КДР за 7 класс, даю 40 баллов!
Можете решить только вторую часть(11-16-24)
11) your
12) on
13 play
14) were
15) older
16) did
17) countryside
18) activities
19) hors riding
20) walker
21) nowadays
22) pleasant
23) nature
24) free
9-10 - T? "Later that evening, an icecream man came by. Sam ran out and bought his favourite ice cream. As he turned back, he slipped over his own banana peel. The ice cream went up and landed on his head as Sam fell down"
10-T?Because he trick on himself.
But still thank you so much!
https://znanija.com/task/31538725there are more tasks, for as smart as you