Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав из предлагаемых в скобках вариантов...

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86 просмотров

Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав из предлагаемых в скобках вариантов соответствующее слово:1. There are ... causes of weathering, but ... depends on the change in temperature, (many, much)2. As is known, only ... minerals and rocks are resistant to the action of natural waters, (little, few)3. The roots of plants developed ... pressure which did not fracture overlaying rocks, (little, few)4. A new geological map of the region will appear in a ... years. (little, few)5. ... minerals undergo changes. They have already undergone ...transformation, (many, much)6. Now there are ... sources of energy as important as atomic energy. (little, few)

Английский язык (49 баллов) | 86 просмотров
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1 many, much

2 few

3 little

4 few

5 Many, much

6 few

С исчисляемыми существительными (в форме множ. числа) используем слова many, few,

с неисчисляемымиmuch, little.

(138k баллов)