1Art is one of the methods of cognition, both in the natural science and in the religious picture of the perception of the world.2- жанры: портрет, натюрморт, пейзаж, бытовой жанр, анималистический жанр, исторический жанр
2- скульптура станковая, декоративная, монументальная
- декоративно-прикладное искусство;
- литература; музыка; театр; цирк; балет; кино; фотоискусство; эстрада.
3in them the differences are that in applied art people make
4The first photo she appeared (1826)
5it was created when the camera was created
6artists use paint brushes
7music is an art form
8music is what i like to listen to when i'm sad
9i like funny music