1. Does Steve put up the tent?
Steve doesn`t(does+not) put up the tent
2. Do lots of UFO-spotters visit Roswell, New Mexico?
Lots of UFO-spotters dont(do+not) visit Roswell, New Mexico
3. Are people making preparations for the towns forst UFO festival?
People arent(are+not) making preparation for the towns first UFO festival
4. Is Sam starting a UFO tour in the area?
Sam isnt (is+not) starting a UFO tour in the area.
5. Have locals seen many strange lights in the desert?
Locals havent(have+not) seen many strange lights in the desert
2. Did mayor open(окончание -ed убирается за счет Did) the UFO museum?
Mayor didnt(did+not) open the UFO museum.
Извини, потеряла второе предложение.
7. Will they publish Bills book about local mysteries next month?
They wont(will+not) publish bills book about local mysteries next month.