Вопросы должны быть заданы к подчеркнутым словам, то есть определяем, какое вопросительное слово нужно использовать, а затем задаем вопрос, помня про порядок слов:
2) Where are the children playing at this moment?
3) When are we playing tennis today?
4) Where are the dogs lying?
5) Where are Tami and Tali studying this week?
6) Why are the boys crying?
7) What is she doing?
8) What are they watching now?
9) Why are Mr. and Mrs. Levi leaving?
10) Where is Miri walking slowly?
11) What am I eating right now?
12) Where is Liron sitting?
13) Who is Vered thinking about tonight?
14) Where am I having lunch with my sister now?
15) What is Esther planning to do?