СРОЧНО!! Даю 80 баллов! ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS (1) EXERCISES Directions: Decide whether...

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123 просмотров

СРОЧНО!! Даю 80 баллов! ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS (1) EXERCISES Directions: Decide whether the underlined words are right or wrong. Correct the wrong words. Examples: The driver of the car was serious injured. wrong – seriously. Be quiet, please! I’m trying to think.  right. 1. I waited nervous in the waiting room before the interview. ________________ 2. Why were you so unfriendly when I saw you yesterday? ________________ 3. Alice and Stan are very happy married. ________________ 4. Tom’s English is not very good, but his German is almost fluent. ______________ 5. It rained continuous for four days. ________________ 6. Eve lived in the U.S. for five years, so she speaks very well English. _____________ 7. Everybody at the party was very colorful dressed. ________________ 8. Art likes wearing colorful clothes. ________________ 9. Sue is terrible upset about losing her job. ________________ Directions: Complete the sentences with adverbs. The first letter(s) of each adverb are given. Example: We didn’t go out because it was raining heavily. 1. We had to wait for a long time, but we didn’t complain. We waited pat_____________. 2. I lost the tennis match because I played very ba__________________. 3. I don’t think he trusted me. He looked at me so sus__________________. 4. Sorry, I didn’t mean to kick you. I didn’t do it int__________________. 5. Nobody knew he was coming. He arrived unex_________________. 6. Jan has just found a job in a store, but she won’t be staying there long. She is only there tem_______________ until she can find another job. 7. My French isn’t very good, but I can understand per______________ if people speak sl______________ and cl________________. 8. I had very little difficulty finding an apartment. I found one quite ea________________.

Английский язык (42 баллов) | 123 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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1.wrong - nervously


3. right


5. continuously

6. right


8. right

9. terribly

1. patiently

2. badly

3. suspiciously

4. intentionally

5. unexpectedly

6. temporary

7. perfectly(?), slowly and clearly

8. early

(60 баллов)
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1 nervously

2 Right

3 right

4 right

5 continuously

6 right

7 right

8 right

9 terribly


1 patiently

2 bad

3 suspiciously

4 intuitively

5 unexpectedly

6 temporarily

7 ? Slowly clearly

8 ?

(122 баллов)