1. Matt usually B his homework after school. A doing B does C do 2. Look! Jenny …B the...

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1. Matt usually B his homework after school. A doing B does C do 2. Look! Jenny …B the flowers. A waters B is watering C water 3. Tom ….his friends on Sundays. A is meeting B meets C will meet 4. In 2100, people … flying cars. A are driving B will drive C drive 5. How … milk is there in the bottle? A much B many C any 6. Tom and Nick … my friends. A aren’t B isn’t C haven’t 7. Have …. a bicycle? A she got B got we C you got 8. My parents …. work in a hospital. A don’t B doesn’t C aren’t 9. What are you …. now? A doing B does C do 10. How ….. rice can you eat? A many B some C much 11. You are on holiday. You …. wake up early. A have to B needn’t C mustn’t 12. Look at them! They ….in the garden. A are playing B plays C playing 13. What are the …. of the game? A laws B rules C guides 14. We have to pay the …. for the flat. A note B hire C rent 29. Many people live in …. of flats A blocks B hotels C halls 30. We were afraid of swimming in the …. river. A polluted B deserted C clean 31. Chess and backgammon are both … games. A table B bored C board 32. Are you interested … art and drama? A at B in C by 33. Robert is very keen … windsurfing. A in B at C on 34. “Can I take pictures here? – Sorry, you … A have B can’t C can 35. Let’s watch the firework …. A show B programme C display 36. Every morning I have … bowl of cereal. A some B a C many 37. My uncle is a traffic ….. A man B guard C warden 38. There are separate … for bikes, cars and buses. A lines B lanes C roads 39. Last weekend we … to the Crazy Ride Adventure Park. A go B will go C went 40. Aunt Betsy is ….. tea for everyone. A doing B making C drinking 15. We haven’t got … milk in the fridge. A some B any C many 16. How often … they do the shopping? A are B does C do 17. A lion is …..than an elephant. A smaller B smallest C small 18. You … swim here. The beach is closed. A must B can C can’t 19. Which is the ….car. A cheap B cheapest C cheaper 20. Is this the lost …. office? A things B property C objects 21. Be quite! You …. make noise. A must B can C mustn’t 22. You … wear a seatbelt when you drive. A can B can’t C must 23. I’m not …. to go to the cinema tonight. A will B would C going 24. We keep our car in the …... A station B dungeon C garage 25. Donald Duck is a famous …. character. A film B cartoon C movie 26. What did he …. to you? A saw B said C say 27. When did your parents call you? - They ... an hour ago. A called B will call C call 28. I …. these books yesterday. A buy B bought C did buy 41. We are playing pin the …. on the donkey. A tale B tail C apple 42. I am going to the … to buy stamps. A chemist’s B post office C greengrocer’s 43. The ESB is one of the largest office …. A places B spaces C cases 44. Don’t touch that! It’s … A yours B my C mine 45. When you cross the street, … both ways for traffic. A look B see C listen 45. When you are in the car, don’t lean out … the window. A of B to C down 46. What’s your father’s …..?- He’s a doctor. A full name B team C occupation 47. We can go now, the traffic … are green. A line B lights C lane 48. There’s a cinema … to the library. A opposite B next C behind 49. She doesn’t like travelling … plane. A on B by C at 50. Today’s 2nd July. It’s the … day of the month. A second B third C tenth

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