ПОМОГИТЕ, СРОЧНО!!! ДАЮ 25 БАЛОВ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(у меня есть такой же вопрос)задайте 5 вопросов разных типов к данномутексту.Choosing the right time to sleep, the correct moment to make decisions, the best hourto eat — and even go into the hospital — could be your key to perfect health.Centuries after man discovered the rhythms of the planets and the cycles of crops,scientists have learned that we too live by precise rhythms that govern the ebb and flow ofeverything from our basic bodily functions to mental skills. Man is a prisoner of time.But it's not just the experts who are switching on the way of our bodies work. Theincreasing number of people study the state of their bio-rhythms before making their dailyplans. Prince Charles consults a chart which tells him when he will be at his peak on aphysical, emotional, and intellectual level. Boxer Frank Bruno is another who charts his biorhythms to plan for big fights.Leading experts say every aspect of human biology is influenced by daily rhythms.Sleep, blood pressure, hormone levels, and heartbeat all follow their own clocks, which maybear only slight relation to our man-made 24-hour cycle.Research shows that in laboratory experiments when social signals and, most crucially,light indicators such as dawn are taken away, people lose touch with the 24-hour clock andsleeping patterns change. Temperature and heartbeat cycles lengthen and settle into "days"lasting about 25 hours.In the real world, light and dark keep adjusting clocks to the 24-hour days. But the bestindicator of performance is body temperature. As it falls from a 10 p.m. high at 37.2 degreesCelsius to a pre-dawn low of 36.1 degrees Celsius, mental functions fall too. This is a keyreason why shift work can cause so many problems — both for workers and theirorganizations.