the weather forecast for March 31 is expected to be rainy In Artyom today is cloudy temperatures during the day are +6 at night -5
In Vladivostok, partly cloudy temperatures during the day + 6 at night -6 In Arsenyev, cloudy temperatures during the day +6 at night -7 in the Big Stone light snow temperatures during the day +2 at night -6 In Ussuriysk, sleet temperatures during the day +3 at night -6 In the find today cloudy temperatures during the day +2 at night -2 In Dalnegorsk cloudy temperatures during the day 0 at night -6 In Spassk-Far cloudy temperatures during the day +4 at night -8 in Dalnerechensk today cloudy temperatures during the day +5 at night -5 In Partizansk, snow temperatures during the day +4 at night -6 In Lesozavodsk day +5 night -7 in Fokino snow temp ture day 6 night -4