Ex. 4. Ask different kinds of questions.1. His grandparents are in the country now. 2....

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42 просмотров

Ex. 4. Ask different kinds of questions.1. His grandparents are in the country now. 2. This little flower is yellow. 3. Many students have mistakes in the test. 4. Bill has got a new phone. 5. She has a walk with friends every evening. ответы помоги те нужно задать по пять вопросов к каждому предложению

Английский язык (15 баллов) | 42 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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Правильный ответ

1 Are his grandparents in the country now? Общий

His grandparents are in the country now, aren’t they? Разделительный

Are his grandparents in the country or at home now? Альтернативный

Who is in the country now? Вопрос к подлежащему

When are his grandparents in the country? Специальный

2 Is this little flower yellow? Общий

This little flower is yellow, isn’t it? Разделительный

Is this little flower or bush yellow? Альтернативный

What is yellow? Вопрос к подлежащему

What colour is this little flower? Специальный

3 Do many students have mistakes in the test? Общий

Many students have mistakes in the test, don’t they? Разделительный

Do many students have mistakes in the test or in the essay? Альтернативный

Who has mistakes in the test? Вопрос к подлежащему

What do many students have in the test ? Специальный

4 Has Bill got a new phone? Общий

Bill has got a new phone, hasn’t he? Разделительный

Has Bill or Ben got a new phone? Альтернативный

Who has got a new phone? Вопрос к подлежащему

What has Bill got? Специальный

5 Does she have a walk with friends every evening? Общий

She has a walk with friends every evening, doesn’t she? Разделительный

Does she have a walk with friends or relatives every evening? Альтернативный

Who has a walk with friends every evening? Вопрос к подлежащему

When does she have a walk with friends? Специальный

(433k баллов)
0 голосов

1. His grandparents are in the country now.  

•Are his grandparents in the country now?

•Are his grandparents or children in the country now?

•Who is in the country now?

•His grandparents are in the country now, aren`t they?

•Where are his grandparents now?

2. This little flower is yellow.  

•Is this little flower yellow?

•Is this little flower yellow or red?

•Which flower is this flower?

•This little flower is yellow, isn`t it?

•What is yellow?

3. Many students have mistakes in the test.  

•Do many students have mistakes in the test?

•Do many students have mistakes in the test or in the dictation?

•Who has mistakes in the test?

•Where do many students have mistakes?

•Many students have mistakes in the test, don`t they?

4. Bill has got a new phone.  

•Has Bill got a new phone?

•Has Bill got a new phone or notebook?

•Who has got a new phone?

•What has Bill got?

•Bill has got a new phone, hasn`t he?

5. She has a walk with friends every evening.  

•Does she have a walk with friends every evening?

•Does she have a walk with friends every evening or Sunday?

•Who has a walk with friends every evening?

•When does she have a walk with friends?

•She has a walk with friends every evening, doesn`t she?

(24.3k баллов)