Аesop, a Greek philosopher, was famous for his jokes. One day aesop was out for a walk when he saw a man. The man was lost. The man greeted Aesop and asked him, "How long will it take me to get to the town?" "Go," said Aesop. The traveller did not understand the reply. "I know that i have to go," he said and repeated his question, but Aesop is reply was the same. "Go,"
he said again very politely.
the traveller went away. "the man is mad," he decided. After the traveller had gone some distance, Aesop shouted after him, "You will get to the town in two hours."
the traveller came back to Aesop and asked: "Why did not you tell me that before?" "I did not tell you because I did not know how fast you could walk," Aesop replied.