1 Who came hurrying up?
2 What had Hob done before he came downstairs?
3 How many times had he looked in his dictionary?
4 Had he tried to get the right pronunciation of the word "breakfast"?
5 Why did Hob's mouth ache?
6 Did the waiter ask Hob anything?
7 Did Hob understand the waiter?
8 What did Hob say to the waiter?
9 The waiter shook his head, bowed and went away, didn't he?
10 Did the waiter bring the manager or the barman with him?
11 What did Hob write on the table napkin?
12 Were the waiter and the manager surprised?
13 What did the waiter bring?
14 Did Hob drink any tea?
15 How much tea did he drink?
16 Did he eat any butter and marmalade?
17 The waiter brought another tray with a huge portion of bacon and eggs, didn't he?
18 What did Hob do with the bacon and eggs?