David told , that Steve looked fantastic.
David told, that he hadn’t changed a bit.
David told, that Steve looked healthy.
Steve said, that he hardly got a cold.
Steve said, that he never suffered from anything.
David said , if headaches and backaches pained in the stomach.
Steve said, that his legs and his arms didn’t hurt.
David said, if Steve thought , that is because of his diet, that he took.
Steve said, that he didn’t know.
Steve said, that he meant,that he liked food and he thought,that he ate healthy food and he enjoyed fried food.
David told, if Steve took regular exercise.
Steve told, that his work kept him busy.
Steve told, that in summer he played volleyball, swam and rode .
Steve told,that last summer he had tried to ride a horse.
David said, if Steve went for any winter sports.
Steve said, that he walked a lot.
Steve said, that he didn’t smoke and he never drank alcohol and soft drinks