Помогите пожалуйста!нужно составить любой диалог ** английском про школу.

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29 просмотров

Помогите пожалуйста!нужно составить любой диалог на английском про школу.

Английский язык (20 баллов) | 29 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
0 голосов

Ответ:  Hello, ____. Why weren't you at school today?

- Hi, _____. Today I was at the Russian language Olympiad.

- Wow! And how, successfully?

- Unfortunately, I do not know the results. But I was so worried, because I represented the honor of the school.

- Don’t worry, you are very smart.

- Thanks. And what was in the classroom? Maybe I missed something important?

- A new topic was being discussed in chemistry. But on literature and biology, the material passed was repeated.

“Bring me your chemistry summary?”

- Yes of course.

- Thank you. I have to go.

- Good luck. As soon as you know the results of the Olympiad, immediately inform. I am very worried about you.

- Sure!

(112 баллов)
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-When do you go to school

-I go to school at 8:30 o’clock

-When do you go to school?

-I go to school at 9:00

Which your favorite teacher?

My favorite teacher is Marta

-Which your favorite teacher?

My favorite teacher is Ola


(278 баллов)