1) Utkir Khoshimov studied at the secondary school.
1) Utkir Khoshimov studied at the Philology Faculty of the Tashkent State University.
2) There are streets and school named after Fitrat in Tashkent and Bukhara.
3) In 1996 Fitrat's 110 the anniversary was celebrated throughout the country.
4) According to decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of the Prezident, Fitrat was awarded with Navoiy bonus and Mustaqillik order.
5) Fitrat's works were highly praised and translated into various languages when he was alive.
6) Fitrat's creative heritage has been investigated by such philosophers and lawyers as B.Ergashev and D.Tashquziev.
7) "Cho'l havosi" was warmly recognized by the people.
8) Gafur Gulom was famous as a skilled novelist.
9) Gafur Gulom developed Uzbek poetry with new conceptions and methods by his collection of poems: "Tirik qo'shiqlar", "Dinamo", "Sharqdan kelayotirman".
10) Erkin Voshidov is outstanding figure in Uzbek literature established several creative schools.