Помогите перевести текст. TYPES OF BUILDINGS Buildings can be classified according to...

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Помогите перевести текст. TYPES OF BUILDINGS Buildings can be classified according to different principles, e.g. the building material they are constructed of (wood, brick, concrete, ice), the number of storeys, the place they are situated in (in the country, in avillage, under the ground or water, in mountains, in a wood, near water), their condition (new, modem, dilapidated, shabby, old, be in ruins), etc. According to their character and purpose buildings are divided into residential, civic or industrial classes. RESIDENTIAL buildings are blocks of flats or maisonettes and houses. CIVIC and PUBLIC buildings can be divided into several classes. They are public lodging buildings (hostels, apartment hotels and hotels), medical establishments (e.g. hospitals, sanatoria, health centres), educational establishments and children facilities (schools, colleges, institutes, academies, kindergartens, creches), administrative offices, shopping facilities (shops in Britain or stores in the USA, department stores, covered markets), entertainment, cultural and leisure institutions (clubs, theatres, concert halls, cinemas, museums, art galleries, libraries), sports buildings and structures (stadiums, sport halls), religious or cult buildings (cathedrals, churches, temples, chapels, mosques), transport facilities (bus stations, railway stations, terminals) etc. There are different kinds of cinema, e.g. wide-screen cinemas, multi-screen cinemas, drive in cinemas. Catering facilities include restaurants, cafеs, cafeterias, canteens, refreshment rooms. INTELLIGENT buildings. They are the buildings in which computers are used in the building management systems. Security, energy, structural maintenance and repair are monitored by computers. Now city authorities begin to build “modular type” multi-functional centres, fast-to-build modem buildings situated within walking distance from the housing, apartment hotels (or extended-stay hotels), loft apartments (loft apartments are apartments that are generally built into former industrial buildings), multiplexes. Designing buildings architects prepare several drawings: general view, front, back and side elevations, plans, cross (transverse) and longitudinal sections. They pay attention to orientation of the building, land coverage.

Английский язык (12 баллов) | 190 просмотров
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Здания могут быть классифицированы по различным принципам, например, по строительному материалу, из которого они построены (дерево, кирпич, бетон, лед), по количеству этажей, месту их расположения (в деревне, в деревне, под землей или водой, в горах, в лесу, вблизи воды), их состоянию (новое, современное, ветхое, ветхое, старое, находящееся в руинах) и т. д.

По своему характеру и назначению здания делятся на жилые, гражданские или промышленные классы.

Жилые дома - это многоквартирные дома или мезонеты и жилые дома.

Гражданские и общественные здания можно разделить на несколько классов. Это общественные жилые дома (общежития, многоквартирные отели и гостиницы), медицинские учреждения (например, больницы, санатории, медицинские центры), образовательные учреждения и детские учреждения (школы, колледжи, институты, Академии, детские сады, ясли), административные учреждения, торговые объекты (магазины в Великобритании или магазины в США, универмаги, крытые магазины).



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