запишите предложения с прошедшим временем, настоящим временем и будущим временем,...

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91 просмотров

запишите предложения с прошедшим временем, настоящим временем и будущим временем, используя эти глаголы. Flee, talk, study, dream, speak, work на английском

Английский язык (1.9k баллов) | 91 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Прошедшее время he was talking to a friend,настоящее  he's talking to а friend, будущие he will be talking to a friend

he studied with a friend, he is studying with a friend, he will be studying with a friend

he dreamed with his brother, he dreams with his brother, he will dream with his brother

he was speaking to his brother, he's speaking to his brother, he will speak to his brother

he worked with him, he works with it, he will work with it.

he fleeing with her, he flees with her, he would flee with her


так я старался вроде всё понятно поэтому оцени

(92 баллов)