1.Mike works in the city centre. He rents a __________________ next to his office....

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819 просмотров

1.Mike works in the city centre. He rents a __________________ next to his office. * residenceflatrestaurant2. We usually stay at a _________ when we travel. It’s comfortable. *hotellibrarystore 3. You can see works of art in the __________________. *gallerylibrarystore4. This is a really big department __________________.They sell everything here! *shopstorehouse5. Students usually stay in University halls of __________________ during the study period. *hotelcottageresidence6. I am _________(tall) than my sister. *as talltallerthe tallest7. My mum thinks that cats are ___________(good) than dogs. *gooderbettermore good8. It is the _________(interesting) book of these three. *most interestingmore interestinginteresting9. English is ___________(difficult) than History. *most difficultdifficultmore difficult10. Monday is the ________ (bad) day of the week. We have seven lessons. *worstworsebaddest11.The students ______ drive on campus. It’s forbidden. *needn'tmustn'thave to12. You ______ pay the rent. That’s the rule. *mustn'tmustcan't13.You _____have party here. It isn’t allowed. *can'tmustcan14. Students _____ put posters on the walls. It’s forbidden. *canmustmustn't15. People ____ stop at the red line. It’s the rule. *canmustn'tmustСРОЧНО! ВЫБЕРИТЕ ПРАВИЛЬНОЕ СЛОВО. ​

Английский язык (12 баллов) | 819 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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1) flat
2) hotel
3) gallery
4) store
5) residence
6) taller
7) better
8) most interesting
9) more difficult
10) worst
11) mustn’t
12) must
13) can’t
14) can’t
15) must

(36 баллов)