I. Вставьте предлоги вместо пропусков. 1. Helen is …. work … the moment. 2. I study …...

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93 просмотров

I. Вставьте предлоги вместо пропусков. 1. Helen is …. work … the moment. 2. I study … the Academy … Management … Interior Ministry … Russia. 3. I read about it … the newspaper. 4. They live … green street not far … the metro station. 5. My son studies law … the University. 6. The next bus arrives … half an hour. 7. I don’t like to be … home … Sundays. 8. He works … the Criminal Investigation Department. 9. Let’s meet … 9.30 tonight. 10. She is … holiday … London. 11. Let’s go … Moscow together …1st … July. 12. Let’s go … home … taxi. 13. Do you have problems … your English?

Английский язык (28 баллов) | 93 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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I. Вставьте предлоги вместо пропусков.

1. Helen is at…. work at… the moment.

2. I study at… the Academy of… Management of… the Interior Ministry of… Russia.

3. I read about it in… the newspaper.

4. They live in… Green Street not far from… the metro station.

5. My son studies law at… the University.

6. The next bus arrives in… half an hour.

7. I don’t like to be at… home on… Sundays.

8. He works at… the Criminal Investigation Department.

9. Let’s meet at… 9.30 tonight.

10. She is on… holiday in… London.

11. Let’s go to… Moscow together on…1st of… July.

12. Let’s go … home by… taxi.

13. Do you have problems with… your English?

(542k баллов)