1. Climate change poses a threat to the oceans on our planet ... As a result, the deep waters of the ocean are at increased risk ... in the Arctic, it will seriously affect not only the North Pole, but also the life ... of extinction, and making recommendations on the measures required.
2. The reason was the crop failure caused by severe drought, which primarily affected the forest-steppe and steppe areas, fatal droughts occur as a result of environmental degradation caused by deforestation and environmentally hazardous farming methods.
3. The problem of pollution of the oceans with plastic waste is not only ethical, as it might seem at first glance. Plastic garbage in the seas and oceans poses a serious threat to the health and life of marine animals and humans. The pollution of the world's oceans is a global, multilayered and fundamental problem, no one can deal with it alone, but there are 7.5 billion people on Earth, and if everyone of us is aware of our responsibility, will not be indifferent and will make our small contribution to maintaining the cleanliness of the ocean, then we can prevent a big disaster.
4. Animals, whether it be a crocodile, a riding deer or a handmade raccoon, should not be used as models for photo shoots and holidays. Animals may become blind from camera flashes. Owners often use tranquilizers so that the creature dutifully poses all day. When the maintenance becomes too costly, the animal is disposed of.
5.The financial crisis is not the only problem, there is another, worse, because it does not relate to the mode of production and distribution, but to existence itself. I mean climate change. Both problems are evident and will be discussed at the same time.
6.The main reason for acid rain is the presence in the atmosphere due to industrial emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides, hydrogen chloride and other acid-forming compounds. As a result, rain and snow are acidified.
7. ЭТО ВСЕ К 7
1. Turn off the light in the room, the computer monitor, and do not forget about the chargers in the outlet.
2. Use water economically: turn off the tap when brushing your teeth, when you are bathing in the shower. If possible, take a shower quickly (usually we use more water when we take a bath).
3. Replace incandescent bulbs with LED ones: they save energy and last longer.
“A good planet is hard to find,” the activist on the left recalls. Getty Images Photos
4. Change to a bicycle. It is cool, fast and comfortable. Having tried it once, you will no longer want to get into the "hot minibus" or stand in traffic jams. In addition, a bicycle is a stable mode of transport; it does not pollute the air with dangerous gases, which overwhelm the atmosphere in summer.
5. Share things that you no longer need, and buy recycled or used items. Thus, the amount of consumption and use of energy resources is reduced: light, fuel.
6. Use in households (and even in small businesses) phosphate-free detergents - salt with laundry soap, soda. Now on the Internet, resources are also quite developed that offer ecological household chemicals.
7. Buy fewer plastic bags, go to the store with your ekosumka bag, sudochki (packaging, does not get wet).
8. A particularly close approach to the selection of cosmetics and chemicals used in everyday life. It is necessary to give an advantage to products that have not been tested on animals and do not have a negative impact on the environment at different stages of production.
9. It is elementary, but very effective - to hand in plastic, glass, and paper for recycling.
10. Separately collect batteries, because it is a hazardous (toxic) type of waste. Take them to shops and institutions that are involved in the all-Ukrainian action "Batteries - give up!". Know in person the local coordinator of this action in your city.
11. Refuse semi-finished products - meat, fish and eggs from stores. Experts say: today, the manufacture of these products is completely controlled by monopolistic companies that abuse antibiotics, overload the ecosystem and apply the principles of intensive management for profit. Of course, in such conditions, quality suffers. A separate topic is emissions from such large enterprises, which often neglect the waste and discharge system.
12. Buy local food - one that is made in your area. Thus, this food undergoes chemical processing less, and less energy is spent on its transportation.
13. Compost food leftovers - buy yourself a composter.
14. Plant flowers on the windowsills of the house and in the office and trees in the courtyards. Do not allow to cut down green spaces near your house for the sake of parking lots or MAFs.
15. Support environmental organizations, associations and actions in your city, accustom your entire family to this, because any major change begins with local support from the population.