Самостоятельная работа
Выберите правильный ответ:
1. I’m happy………………it.
a) hearing b) to hear c) hear
2. Everyone likes……………..ice-cream.
a) eating b) to eat c) eat
3. He was so glad…………….. such a famous person.
a) meeting b) to meet c) meet
4. …………………to good music is a pleasure.
a) listening b) to listen c) listen
5. Excuse me for ………………. your favourite cup.
a) breaking b) to break c) break
6. The sun started……………….after the rain.
a) shining b) to shine c) shine
7. He stopped………………..the guitar and looked at me.
a) Playing b) to play c) play
8. Ann hates ………………………early in the morning.
a) Getting up b) to get up c) get up
9. She would like………………..to you.
a) Talking b) to talk c) talk
10.They can………………….you in a month.
a) Visiting b) to visit c) visit