IV. Выберите правильный вариант. 1. School year begins on ... 1st of September. a) — ,...

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IV. Выберите правильный вариант. 1. School year begins on ... 1st of September. a) — , b) a, c) an, d) the. 2. ... our English classes we speak a lot. a) On, b) At, c) In, d) For. 3. ... is knocking at the door. a) Some, b) Somebody, c) Anybody, d) Nobody. 4. We'll wait... everybody comes. a) till, b) before, c) unless, d) if. 5. Everybody says the film is worth ... . a) see, b) to see, c) seeing, d) to be seen. 6. ... nothing interesting to see and we left. a) There was, b) It was, c) It is, d) There is. 7. According to the weather forecast tomorrow will be ... warmer than today. a) yet, b) still, c) more, d) just. 8. ... people can understand classical music. : a) Few, b) A few, c) Little, d) A little. 9. I wish I ... a poet. a) am, b) was, c) have been, d) were. 10. Martin Eden ... by Jack London. a) wrote, b) was written, c) has written, d) is writing. 11. The road is wet. It must ... . a) rain, b) rained, c) raining, d) have been raining. 12. ... through the magazine I decided to buy it. a) Looked, b) Having looked, c) Looking,, d) Being looked. 13. She couldn't remember ... such aquestion. a) ask, b) to ask, c) asked, d) being asked. 14. What are you ... ? a) saying, b) telling, c) speaking, d) talking. 15. This money ... quite enough for everything. a) are, b) is, c) were, d) have been. 16. Sam had to cook breakfast himself, ... ? a) hadn't he, b) had he, с) didn't he, d) did he. 17. We didn't know what time ... . a) it is, b) it was, c) is it, d) was it. 18. Next week we ... here for 2 years. a) are, b) will be, c) have been, d) shall have been., 19. When David came, everybody ... . a) examined, b) was examined, c) was examining, d) had been examined. 20. Hepromised tolet us know if anything ... . a) changes, b) changed, c) will change, d) change.

Английский язык (104 баллов) | 239 просмотров
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4)потому что will не ладится с if

1)с датами пишется the

2)не on our class , а in our class

(90 баллов)