Choose the correct item. Did they …..board games last week? A plays B play C played We...

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Choose the correct item. Did they …..board games last week? A plays B play C played We watched a film and then went for a walk in the ….. A school B park C stadium Aunt Polly ….. a cake at the moment. A is doing B is making C makes Does he …… French? A is studying B studies C study There isn’t …. milk left. A some B any C a The ….. is in the living room. A fridge B bookcase C sink Football and basketball are ….. games. A indoor B outdoor C board An elephant is the …. animal. A big B bigger C biggest We saw him two years …. A last B ago C next She’s not ….. to drive a car. A going B will C go …she like swimming? A do B is C does We don’t …. to do this exercise. A must B have C need It’s Women’s Day ….8th March. A on B in C at How …. going to the theatre? A about B much C like Maths is the ….lesson on Monday. A one B first C two They usually go to school ….bus. A on B by C in I …speak English, but I can’t speak French. A must B can C have to We didn’t … to the museum a month ago. A go B went C going You must ….your hands before dinner. A brush B wash C clean These melons are lovely and … A sour B sweet C salty My little brother …. a glass of juice every morning. A drank B is drinking C drinks Watch ….! There’s a bus coming. A out B up C over We’re going to …..a performance tonight. A go B visit C attend I want to …a picture of the building. A go B take C look He often ….the shopping on Sunday. A goes B do C does What are you …? A doing B going C do He …like playing monopoly. A isn’t B doesn’t C didn’t They are …of swimming. A keen B fond C love On New Year Day we always ….gifts. A change B exchange C transfer It’s time to …the special light. A light B fire C play Mike’s birthday is … July. A in B on C at They have English lessons …the afternoon. A in B on C at Always stop at the traffic … when they’re red. A roads B pavement C lights Susan is doing the …..She loves plants and flowers. A gardening B homework C cleaning What ……are you? I’m German. A occupation B profession C nationality Pete likes exercising at the ….. A school B centre C gym This girl is ….than that one. A tallest B tall C taller She is the ….pupil in the class. A good B best C better Can you pass me a ….of milk, please? A bottle B box C packet Is there …yogurt in the fridge? A any B some C no (Mark 40 ____) Choose the correct response. How about Thursday then? A I’m afraid, I can’t. B I’m OK. How do you like the film? A yes, it is. B It’s brilliant. Why don’t we go shopping? A That sounds good. I need to exercise. B Ok. Let’s look for a new shirt. How about having a picnic? A I don’t really like eating outdoors. B I’d rather not. I don’t like it. Would you like me to help you? A Yes, I’m very keen on it. B Yes please, that would be great. (Mark10 _____) Reading Read and email and mark the sentences T(true), F(false) or DS (doesn’t say). Moscow Russia 12.05.2014 Dear Sue, Thank you for your letter. I was glad to get it. Sorry for not writing for so long, I was busy with my school. I want to tell you about my weekend. I had a great day on Sunday. I woke up at 10 o’clock and the sky was blue. I met George and Mike at 11 and we left for the cinema. The film was wonderful. In the afternoon we went for a walk in the park. We found very good sports ground there, so we did a lot of exercises and took pictures. It was cool! I’m going to visit an art gallery next Sunday. I think it’s going to be a very interesting walk. I hope I’ll know a lot of new things. That’s all for now. Hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes, Kate Sue had a great day on Sunday. ……… Kate woke up at twelve o’clock. ………. The film was very interesting. ………. The friends are going to visit an art gallery next Sunday. ……….. Kate met George and Mike near the cinema. ………..

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