Komodo dragon
Komodo dragons are not picky about food. They can eat a bird, and a buffalo, and even a man. They happen to dig up graves and eat burried corpses.
These are very smart predators - they will not move and give themselves away until the victim comes close enough, after that they attack the target, tear its throat and wait until the prey bleeds to death.
Honey badger
The main feature of honey badger is fearlessness. This small animal is able to attack a leopard or a lion, and its immune system is so strong that it simply falls asleep from a cobra bite. The fact is that honey badger has unique skin, it is so strong and thick that it cannot be damaged by the teeth of a predator, an arrow, or even a machete. Its powerful jaw and sharp teeth allow it to eat every part of its prey together with the spine and skull.
Blue-ringed octopus
Scientists consider blue-ringed octopuses as the most dangerous animals on Earth. Despite the small size and ball-like shape, these animals are able to instantly kill a human. They attack quite aggressively. They also glow at the night. Nevertheless, the octopus develops high speed, which is why it is difficult to dodge the attack. After a defeat, a person instantly loses his sight and dies of suffocation. Paralyzing venom acts after 1 minute