1 mistake: Family is the best thing you can wish to a person
2 mistake: не stepfather а father in law
3 mistake: Home is a place where you can feel warmth, love, where you will be understood and surrounded by care.
4 mistake: We are gathering in the evening, drinking tea, talking about things that we have learned today or just joking.(так правильнее)
5 mistake: I`d be very interested to get some information from a British teenager and have a picture of how he spends time with his family. (если надо, могу рассказать о том как обстоят дела у меня в семье (я оттуда))
6 mistake: Unfortunately, some families don`t have good relationship. (единственное число)
7 mistake: First of all, stop fighting, screaming, stop having secrets, (так правильнее)
8 mistake: you need to be more opened to your relatives
9 mistake: его нет)
все выше