Срочно! 1 Fill in the gaps with the words: senior petrol postal hall animal burst...

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217 просмотров

Срочно! 1 Fill in the gaps with the words: senior petrol postal hall animal burst foster charity 1. He works there as a … worker. 2. The town … is the main building in our town. 3. You can wash your car at the … station. 4. This organization holds a … event every year. 5. I spend a part of my spare time at a local … shelter. 6. She was so upset that she … into tears. 7. The kitten was lucky to find a … home. 8. In their free time they help to … citizens. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1. This film … (direct) by the famous actor. 2. New school … (build) by this company next year. 3. The Tower of London … (visit) by a million of tourists so far. 4. This cake … (make) of chocolate. 5. This work must … (do) by the time. 3. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition and particle. 1 Mum has checked … everything on the shopping list. 2 Her cat was rescued … a bad owner. 3 He can’t take care …his dog any more. 4 Be kind … an animal and it will respect you. 5 We have to check … of the hotel at 12 am. 4. Match to form exchanges. 1One ticket to Leeds, please? A What place are you trying to get? 2 Can you help me? I’m lost. B Thank you very much. 3 Is there a toy shop near here? C Every thirty minutes. 4 It’s just on the corner. D Yes. Go straight ahead. 5 How often does this bus run? E Single or return?

Английский язык (654k баллов) | 217 просмотров
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