ПОМОГИТЕ ПЛЗЗЗ ОЧЕНЬ НАДО ЭТО АНГЛИЙСКИЙ There weren't many students in the hall,...

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ПОМОГИТЕ ПЛЗЗЗ ОЧЕНЬ НАДО ЭТО АНГЛИЙСКИЙ There weren't many students in the hall, ___________? * Were there Weren\t they Were they They won't go to the party,________? * will they Do they won\t they Напишите свое имя и фамилию * Sally can't speak Chinese, ___________? * Can she Can\t she Can Sally I'm your doctor,______? * Amn\t I Aren\t I Do I Let me call you, ___________? * Do I Shall I Let me not There is much snow there,_______? * Is there Isn\t it Isn\t there They had no time to discuss the problem, ___________? * Did they Didn\t they Hadn\t they There is no juice in the fridge, ___________? * Isn\t there Is there Is it He has a sister, ___________? * Doesn\t he Has he Does he Let's watch this film, ___________? * Let us Will we Won\t we Our parents are leaving for Grodno tomorrow, ___________? * Are our Aren\t they Are they This is not her car, ___________? * Isn`t this Is her Is it They have a new house, ___________? * Don\t they Do they Have they I'm not dressed so smartly as she does, ___________? * Does she Am I Aren\t I This house is new,________? * Isn\t it Isn\t this Is it

Английский язык (14 баллов) | 74 просмотров
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There weren't many students in the hall, were there?

They won't go to the party,will they?

Sally can't speak Chinese, can she?

I'm your doctor, aren't I?

Let me call you, will you ?

There is much snow there, isn't there?

They had no time to discuss the problem,did they?

There is no juice in the fridge, is there?

He has a sister,doesn't he?

Let's watch this film, will we?

Our parents are leaving for Grodno tomorrow, arent they?

This is not her car, Isn`t this?

They have a new house, haven’t they?

I'm not dressed so smartly as she does,  am I?

This house is new,isn't it?

(178 баллов)