Помогите плиз 25 баллов ​

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21 просмотров

Помогите плиз 25 баллов ​


Английский язык (16 баллов) | 21 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Раскрой скобки и образуй глагол в форму прошедшего времени и заполни пропуски правильных и неправильных глаголах!

1. You _ school at 2 o'clock yesterday [left].

2. She_ to the cinema with you sister [went].

3. I _ a tiger in the Zoo [saw].

4. They _ you in the garden [helped].

5. Ann _ home at 3 o'clock pm last Sunday [came].

6. Children _ TV much yesterday [watched].

7. I _ your bag yesterday [took].

8. We _ our homework at 5 yesterday [did].

9. Last week you_ me your cat [gave].

10. Last summer we_ in the Black Sea [swam].

Выполнить письменно упражнение в тетради: Вставь в пропуски was или were:

1. It was cold yesterday.

2. The teachers were at the disco.

3. My friend and I were in Moscow.

4. Nick was at the stadium.

5. The tiger was at the Zoo last year.

6. Her room was dirty yesterday.

7. It was Sunday yesterday.

8. We were near the lake.

9. I was at the café yesterday.

10 You were at the coffee last Sunday.

(542k баллов)