Выберите правильный вариант ответа СРОЧНО..ПОЖАЛУЙСТАА 45Б. 1) Captain Perov … when we...

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70 просмотров

Выберите правильный вариант ответа СРОЧНО..ПОЖАЛУЙСТАА 45Б. 1) Captain Perov … when we opened the door. a) was smoking c) smoked b)had been smoking d) had smoked 2) They … now. a) have dinner c) are having dinner b) were having dinner d) have had dinner 3) I … all the three articles by 5 o’clock. a) will translate c) will be translating b) shall translate d) shall have translated 4) He … the window in our class-room before the lesson yesterday. a) opens c) has opened b) opened d) is opening 5) When … your sister … from the Institute? a) will graduate c) has graduated b) will have graduated d) shall graduated 6) He … chess with a friend of his in the sitting-room. a) plays c) has played b) has been playing d) is playing 7) How long … you … at this Institute? a) study c) have been studying b) are studying d) will have been studying 8) He … the poem for two hours. a) is learning c) learns b) has been learning d) has learnt 9) They … never … to any foreign country. a) have been c) will have been b) are d) will be 10) The child … by the time we return home. a) shall have fallen asleep c) will fall asleep b) falls asleep d) will have fallen asleep

Английский язык (38 баллов) | 70 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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(148 баллов)
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1 a

2 c

3 d

4 b

5 a

6 a

7 c

8 b

9 a

10 d

(19.1k баллов)