Упражнение 1. Встать в пропуск нужный глагол was или were It … cold. We … in the garden....

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34 просмотров

Упражнение 1. Встать в пропуск нужный глагол was или were It … cold. We … in the garden. She … in the park. They … at home. Упражнение 2. Вставь в пропуск отрицательный глагол was not(wasn’t) или were not(weren’t) Kate … at home in the evening yesterday. My friends and I … at the circus. The day… boring. They … doctors. Упражнение 3. Составь правильно вопрос. Используя was или were … you in the park? … she a student? … they at home yesterday? … it very cold ?

Английский язык (36 баллов) | 34 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Ответ:  It was cold. We were in the garden. She was in the park. They were at home.

Kate was not at home in the evening yesterday. My friends and I were were not at the circus. The day was not boring. They were not doctors.

Were you in the park? Was she a student? Were they at home yesterday? Was it very cold?


(30 баллов)