Английский тест ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА С ТЕСТОМ 55 БАЛЛОВ ДАМ - 1. Match the sentences in...

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Английский тест ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА С ТЕСТОМ 55 БАЛЛОВ ДАМ - 1. Match the sentences in the two columns to make the dialogues. (Соедини фразы по двое, чтобы получились диалоги, ответ запиши кратко (цифра-буква) 1.— I would like some juice. A) — Let’s go to the cafe. 2.— Sue is hungry. B)— I will give him mine. 3.— Ben forgot to take his book. C) — I will phone the doctor. 4.— I can’t do my homework. D)— I will get you some. 5.— It is raining and the window is open E)— I will close it. 6.— I don’t want to cook tonight. F) — I will help you. 7.— Bob is ill. G)— I will make a sandwich for her. 2. Choose the right forms of the verbs in brackets and complete the sentences. (Выбери нужную форму глагола, ответ запиши кратко – только глагол) 1. Your clothes (is/are) in the bathroom. 2. The pyjamas (is/are) too big for her. 3. There (is/are) a white trainer under the bed. 4. Jeans (is/are) always in fashion. 5. One sandal (is/are) here, where is the other one? 6. His shorts (is/are) really fashionable. 7. Where (is/are) my leggings? 8. There (is/are) a lot of clothes in my wardrobe (гардероб). 9. There (is/are) two different socks in my bag. 3. Complete the sentences with the right forms of the verbs in brackets. (Поставь глагол в нужную форму, ответ запиши кратко – только глагол, не забудь про придаточные изъяснительные, придаточные времени и придаточные условия) 1.If it (rain)___________________, I will stay at home. 2.What will he do if he (win) _______________the game? 3.Our parents will be happy if we (see)_________________ New Year in with them. 4.I am not sure if they (go)____________________ to the circus tomorrow. 5.If she (buy)________________ new trainers, she will be happy. 6.Tom will phone you when he (be)_______________ free. 4.Use the prepositions from the box to complete the sentences. (Вставь предлоги в предложения по смыслу, ответ запиши кратко – только предлог) in (3), on (2), to, about, at, off, above 1.It is very hot today. The temperature is 35 degrees____________zero. 2.I’d like to show you Mexico_______ the map, but it is_________my room. 3.Take________your clothes and come_______ the room. 4.There is a new film ________the cinema this week. 5.Kim is leaving London ______the 6 o’clock train. 6.Lily is going ___________a school trip. 7.Sandra is going to put__________a new blouse tonight. 8._______the evening Ben suddenly started talking____________the weather. 5.Complete the sentences with the words from the box. (Вставь данные слова в предложения по смыслу, ответ запиши кратко – только слово) gloves, stylish, trainers, pastime, fashion, pyjamas, old-fashioned, snowflakes, scruffy, boring 1.I don’t like … things because they look too old. 2.He is not neat at all. He is always dirty and … . 3.… changes very quickly. 4.Ben likes to wear … to the gym because they are very comfortable. 5.Molly doesn’t like to sleep in her new … . 6.My favourite … is watching TV. 7.When he went out, beautiful … were falling to the ground. 8.Last night I saw a very … film. 9.Mother always wears … clothes. 10.This … is very expensive.

Английский язык (133 баллов) | 60 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
0 голосов

1 d

2 g

3 b

4 f

5 e

6 a

7 c

ex 2

1 is

2 are

3 is

4 are

5 is

6 are

7 are

8 are

9 are

ex 4

1 above

2 on; in

3 in

4 at

5 at

6 on

7  off

8 in ; about

ex 5

1 old-fashioned

2 scruffy

3  fashion

4 trainers

5 pyjamas

6 pastime

7 snowflackes

8 boring

9 stylish

10 gloves

(457 баллов)

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