1) Dyslexic people are believed to have a larger right side of the brain, which is responsible for creative and artistic skills.
2) The left side of the brain controls logical and mathematical thinking, whilst the right side manages artistic qualities and creativeness.
3) Dyslexics usually struggle with comprehending the information from texts. They might have a hard time recognising letters as they may look blurry to them.
4) A dyslexic is slow at taking notes, he often confuses the order of numbers and letters he writes. Dyslexia will usually obstruct logical thinking, thus mental math abilities and following directions are not something a dyslexic patient can do easily.
5) There are quite a few things which can make a dyslexic's life easier. For example, a calculator can aid in working with numbers, a spell-checking faculty on a computer may be used to help spell the words correctly. Also, a voice recorder, instead of the classic pen and paper, might come to use while taking notes.
6) Yes, she did. The desire for acting was much more powerful than the disease, so she managed to defeat it.