14767 Sunset Boulevard, OrlandoFloridaUSA6th April, 2014Dear Pat, Nevita, Rachel,...

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14767 Sunset Boulevard, OrlandoFloridaUSA6th April, 2014Dear Pat, Nevita, Rachel, Trevor (and Scoop),I've been in Orlando for two weeks now, and I'mreally enjoying myself! The weather's great – it'ssunny every day, and it's really hot. I wish theweather was like this in England. Ted's a great guy,and we get on really well. Every morning we goswimming in the pool in the garden. Everybody inTed's street has got a swimming pool!Orlando is quite a nice place, but there are toomany old people here and not enough young people,and there are lots of English people, too. Ted's beenliving here since 2011.He used to live in New York, but he and his familymoved here when his father started work at theMarine Institute. His dad's a marine zoologist.Yesterday I was at the Central Florida Zoo andsaw a crocodile. Tomorrow we're going scuba diving.Ted's been diving since last year. I'm doing a courseat the moment – it's great, but I have to studytheory every day, and I've got to do an exam nextweek. Ted's dad is studying the life of sharks. He'sbeen studying sharks since he was thirty-five, andhe's an expert. I'm sending you an article for TheRAP about sharks.Even though I'm having a good time here, I missyou all a lot. I wish you were all here with me. Seeyou next month in Bristol.Best wishes,Robertнайдите в тексте предложения в будующем времени ​

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