ПОМОГИТЕ ПЖ Exercise 1 Complete the phrases: pirate, big, cartoon, shake, theme,...

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ПОМОГИТЕ ПЖ Exercise 1 Complete the phrases: pirate, big, cartoon, shake, theme, famous, candy, rocke t, perform, water. 1 ___ landmarks 2 ___ hands 3 ___ park 4 ___ floss 5 ___ tricks 6 ___ wheel 7 ___ ship 8 ___ yourney 9 ___ characters 10 ___ ride Exercise 2 Complete the sentences with the missing preposition to make a phrasal verb with come. 1 A few friends came ________last night, which was a pleasant surprise. 2 Although I shampooed the carpet, the wine stain just wouldn't come _______. 3 I came __________ some old photos when I was tidying my bedroom. 4 What’s come _______ her? She’s very angry today. 5 Ann came ___________ flu yesterday. 6 I came ________ some old magazines while I was cleaning my room. 7 Why don’t you come ___________ for lunch? 8 The label had come ________, so there was no way of knowing what was on the disk. 9 A wave of sleepiness came ________ me. 10 I think I’m coming _________ a cold. Present Perfect . Напишите в нужной форме глагол have 1. I ____________opened the window. 2 3. He ___________cleaned his room. 4 John and Jack _____________painted a big picture. 5. She ___________already eaten her biscuit. 6. _____________you written the letter? 7. We __________not bought a computer yet. 8.__________your mother called a doctor already? 9.They ___________not sent this fax yet. 10.I ______helped my father. 11.______Nick read the book already? Образуйте причастие прошедшего времени 1.He has already _______ (play) on the computer today. 2.I haven’t ___________ (do) my homework yet. 3.She has ___________ (swim) in the sea. 4. We have _____________ (build) a new house. 5. Have they _________ (make) toys from paper? 6.My sister has ___________ (water) the flowers. 7. I have __________ (buy) a new pencil already. Упражнение 1 I (to be) to their concert twice. Their music is amazing. I (not/to see) Jane since the day of her wedding. They (to come back) from their honey moon yet? —Where is your ID Card? —I (to lose) it. They are going to make me another one. Oh, look! It’s Sarah. I (not/to see) her for a long time. Jane is on holiday. She (to go) to Ireland. —Are you going to the medical center? —I (already/to be) there today. I am waiting for a very important letter. It (not/to arrive) yet? My father (to start) a new job recently. He is very busy now. I (not/talk) to him for a long time already. Упражнение 6 . Вставьте been to/ gone to. 1 Jim is on holiday. He’s ……….to France. 2 Hello! I’ve just ……………….. to the shops. I’ve bought lots of things. 3 Alice isn’t here at the moment. She’s…………to the shops to get a newspaper. 4 Tom has ………out. He’ll be back in about an hour. 5 Are you going to the bank? — No, I’ve already ……….to the bank. пражнение 2 . Make up negative adjectives from this words using in- (5 words) or un- (7 words) ПРИМЕР. convenient – inconvenient 1 inhabited 2 expensive 3 important 4 expressive 5 formal 6 pleasant 7 comfortable 8 declared

Английский язык (41 баллов) | 56 просмотров
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1 famous landmarks

2 shake hands

3 big park

4 famous  floss

5 water triks

6 big wheel

7 pirate ship

8 water yourney

9 perform  characters

(24 баллов)