Пассивный залог. Выберите правильный ответ. 1. She has closed the door.The door...

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141 просмотров

Пассивный залог. Выберите правильный ответ. 1. She has closed the door.The door ………a)has closedb)is closedc)had been closedd)has been closed2. She will give your money back to you.Your money ……..a)will givenb)will be givenc)will have givend)is given3. People don’t use this road very often.This road …….a)is usedb)don’t usedc)is not usedd)used4. Somebody cleans this room every day.This room ……a)am cleanedb)is cleanedc)are cleanedd)cleaned5. Jane invited Ali to a party.Ali …….a)was invitedb)were invitedc)is invitedd)had invited6. They teach Geography in the first year.Geography ……..a)am taughtb)is taughtc)are taughtd)had taught7. They broke the window last week.The window ……a)was brokenb)were brokenc)is brokend)are broken8. By the middle of autumn we had planted all the trees.All the trees …….a)had plantedb)had been plantedc)is plantedd)have planted9. He wrote this book in the 19th century.This book ……a)was writtenb)were writtenc)has writtend)had written10. Somebody stole my bag in the shop.My bag …….a)stoleb)was stolenc)were stolend)had stole11. The bill includes service.Service ……..a)am includedb)are includedc)is includedd)was included12. They cancelled all flights because of fog.All flights …….a)were cancelledb)was cancelledc)is cancelledd)are cancelled13. Somebody built this building in 1905.This building ……..a)is builtb)are builtc)was builtd)were built14. Mother cooks dinner every day.Dinner …….a)am cookedb)is cookedc)are cookedd)will be cooked15. They told me about the accident yesterday.I ……… about the accident.a)was toldb)were toldc)am toldd)will be told16. We play hockey in winter.Hockey ……… in winter.a)am playedb)are playedc)is playedd)was played17. He received this letter yesterday.This letter …….a)is receivedb)were receivedc)are receivedd)was received18. I have translated the whole text.The whole text …….a)has been translatedb)have been translatedc)had been translatedd)will be translated19. We will do the work in the evening.The work ……a)is doneb)was donec)will be doned)will done20. They will certainly bring us this parcel.This parcel ……a)will be broughtb)will broughtc)had broughtd)is brought​

Английский язык (12 баллов) | 141 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
0 голосов


1. d

2. b

3. c

4. b

5. a

6. b

7. a

8. b

9. a

10. b


12. a

13. c

14. b

15. a

16. c

17. d

18. a

19. c

20. a


(86 баллов)


0 голосов


1.The door is closed

2.Will be given

3.This Road is not used

4.The room is cleaned

5.Ali was invited

6.Geogarphy is taught

7.The window was broken

8.All the trees had been planted

9.This book was written

10.My bag was stolen

11.Service is included

12.All flights were cancelled

13.This building was built

14.Dinner will be cooked

15.I was told about the accident

16.Hockey is played in winter

17.The letter was received

18. The whole text has been translated

19.The work will be done

20.The parcel will brought


(62 баллов)
