1. Dolly asked me what my favourite magazine was
2. Emma asked me where i had been
3. Eugene wondered when i would come/go again
4. Ida asked how she could get there
5. I was asked why i was so embarrassed
6. Simon inquired how much we had paid for the script
7. Ruth asked whose towel it was
8. Phil asked who was knocking
9. Jane asked what was going on there
10. The teacher asked where my homework was
11. A friend of mine asked what i had been doing lately
12. Kate wondered how i had spent my holiday
13. Max asked how many people had invited me to the party
14. a passerby asked how far it was to the City Hall
15. The shop assistant asked the customer how much butter i would like
16. The bus driver asked where exactly i was going
17. Frank wondered who could do such work in a day
18. Judy asked what i had done to help them
19. My colleague asked me how i had managed to leave the office unnoticed
20. the director asked the actors how long it would take them to get made up