Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные функции слов it, that, one.
Определить какие функции выполняют { it, that, one } в предложениях.1. One believes that a new sort of relationship between these two global systems of human life and thought must be elaborated with the help of culturology. 2. Culture is the porous and sponge-like quality of a social body that enables it to breathe the air of all times. 3. No new type of totalitarianism can be productive except that of culture in its role as the free totality of all types of political activity. 4. One of the achievements of culturology is the very possibility of using the word “culture” in the plural. 5. Today, however, it is widely recognized that there are different youth cultures.