53.He _____ breakfast at work. Be careful! You _____ a mistake. a)were making b)making...

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264 просмотров

53.He _____ breakfast at work. Be careful! You _____ a mistake. a)were making b)making c)are making 54. a) usually have b) has usually c) usually has 55.She _____ people who talk a lot. a)not likes b)doesn’t like c)don’t like 56.My cousin _____ history at university. a)studies b)studys c)studyes 57._____ away last weekend? a)Did you go b)Did you went c)Went you 58. A: Why _____? B: Because I’m happy. a)you’re smiling b)do you smile c)are you smiling 59.My father _____ work. He’s retired. a)not b)doesn’t c)isn’t 60.A:_____? B:He’s shy and quite serious. a)What’s your brother like b)What does your brother like c)How’s your brother 61.That house _____a long time ago. a) will be sold b) are sold c) was sold 62.All the banks_____on Sundays. a)has been closed b)were closed c)are closed 63.My sister _____to the hospital tomorrow. a)will be taken b)is being taken c)was taken 64.The flowers _____2 days ago. a)is watered b)was watered c)were watered 65.America _____several centuries ago. a)has been discovered b)will be discovered c)was discovered 66.The floors in the office _____every day. a)were being swept b)are swept c)are swept will be swept 67.My car _____at this moment. a) is being repaired b) was being repaired c) has been repared 68.Olympic Games_____every four years. a)will be held b)are held c)are being held 69.The message _____the next day. a)will be sent b)would be sent c)were being sent 70.Two people _____in a car accident yesterday. a)will be killed b)are being killed c)were killed 71.Tonight, Lisa’s going _____ a date with Andrew. a)on b)out c)into 72.I _____ on well with my brother. He’s a fun person to spend time with. a)go b)get c)do 73. A: Who’s that _____ the middle of the photo? B: That’s my cousin, Alexis. a)on b)to c)in 74.Maria is sitting _____ to Salvador. a)behind b)opposite c)next 75.There’s a small table _____ the two chairs. a)under b)between c)in front 76.If you give me the passport I_____the parcel. a) received b) would receive c) will receive 77.She would take a dog if she_____ cat. a)doesn’t have b)don’t have c)didn’t have 78.If you heat water it_____boil. a)will boil b)boils c)boiled 79.Our neighbours would have paid us if we ____them last year. a)would help b)will help c)had helped 80.If I _____you I would buy more food. a)will be you b)were c)was

Английский язык (12 баллов) | 264 просмотров
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53 c

54 c

55 b

56 a

57 a

58 c

59 b

60 a

61 c

62 c

63 a

64 c

65 c

66 b

67 a

68 b

69 a

70 c

71 a

72 b

73 c

74 c

75 b

76 c

77 c

78 b

79 c

80 b

(496 баллов)