26. We are not old enough __ at the next elections. a) votingb) to votec) about...

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90 просмотров

26. We are not old enough __ at the next elections. a) votingb) to votec) about votingd) vote27. I heard Samantha __ the story.a) to tell b) no tellingc) telld) of telling28. Everyone knew him __ the author of this article.a) be b) to bec) beingd) do not be29. She wanted to know what __ next.a) shall do b) doingc) dod) to do30. You are unfortunate __ all the exams this year.a) to passb) to not passc) do not passd) of passing31. She is too shy __ to the manager.a) for talkingb) talkc) talkingd) to talk32. He rushed to the back door only __ that it was locked.a) discoverb) to discoverc) don't discoverd) discovering33. Isn't it wonderful? He is the first person under the age of twenty __ such an important award.a) for winningb) winc) to wind) of winning34. __ you the truth, I don't like watching horror films.a) To tellb) Tellc) Tellingd) On telling35. Mr. Roberts was seen __ his house at 12:15 last night.a) leave b) leftc) will leave d) to leave36. Greg is ashamed __ his team during the championship last year.a) have supportedb) to supportc) not to have supportedd) not to support37. He used __ football when he was in high school.a) to playingb) playingc) playd) to play38. She stuck her head into his room only __ he was already fast asleep.a) to find b) finding c) not find d) not finding39.Tom expected him __ on time.a) come b) to comec) coming d) having come40. Let me __ your bag for you.a) not to carry b) carrying c) to carry d) carry41. When I moved to England, I didn't like the weather first. But later I __ in this climate.a) got used to livingb) am used to livingc) got used to lived) used to live42. As Doug walked past his neighbor's house, he saw him __the car.a) in washingb) washingc) to washd) wash43. Emergency officials stressed that they did not expect the huge roof of the stadium __ because of winds.a) failb) to failc) failingd) were failing44. Proper footwear can help protect your feet __ while jogging.a) injuringb) to injurec) of getting injuredd) from getting injured45. After the act of terror, the police wanted __ anything suspicious.a) that we reportb) that we reportedc) us reportingd) us to report46. Because of hurricane Katrina, the people in New Orleans can't __ frustrated.a) helping beb) help bec) help beingd) to help being47. I can remember __ voices in the middle of the night.a) hearb) heardc) to heard) hearing48. Someone suggested __ .a) finishingb) to finishc) finishd) that we have finished49. Have you ever raced to the other side of the airport to catch a connecting flight __ that your flight was delayed?a) but to discoverb) only to discoverc) but discoveringd) only discovering50. You are gaining weight. I advise you __ more exercises.a) do b) doingc) to dod) that you do пожалуйста

Английский язык (12 баллов) | 90 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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26. B

27. D

28. C

29. D

30. D

31. D

32. B

33. D

34. A

35. B

36. D

37. D

38. A

39. C

40. D

41. C

42. B

43.  C

44. D

45. D

46. C

47. D

48. B

49. B

50. C


(659 баллов)
0 голосов


26. We are not old enough __ at the next elections.

b) to vote

27. I heard Samantha __ the story.

c) tell

28. Everyone knew him __ the author of this article.

b) to be

29. She wanted to know what __ next.

d) to do

30. You are unfortunate __ all the exams this year.

a) to pass

31. She is too shy __ to the manager.

d) to talk

32. He rushed to the back door only __ that it was locked.

b) to discover

33. Isn't it wonderful?

He is the first person under the age of twenty __ such an important award.

c) to win

34. __ you the truth, I don't like watching horror films.

a) To tell

35. Mr. Roberts was seen __ his house at 12:15 last night.

a) leave

36. Greg is ashamed __ his team during the championship last year.

c) not to have supported

37. He used __ football when he was in high school.

d) to play

38. She stuck her head into his room only __ he was already fast asleep.

a) to find

39. Tom expected him __ on time.

b) to come

40. Let me __ your bag for you.

d) carry

41. When I moved to England, I didn't like the weather first.

But later I __ in this climate.

a) got used to living

42. As Doug walked past his neighbor's house, he saw him __the car.

b) washing

43. Emergency officials stressed that they did not expect the huge roof of the stadium __ because of winds.

b) to fail

44. Proper footwear can help protect your feet __ while jogging.

d) from getting injured

45. After the act of terror, the police wanted __ anything suspicious.

d) us to report

46. Because of hurricane Katrina, the people in New Orleans can't __ frustrated.

c) help being

47. I can remember __ voices in the middle of the night.

d) hearing

48. Someone suggested __ .

a) finishing

49. Have you ever raced to the other side of the airport to catch a connecting flight __ that your flight was delayed?

a) but to discover

50. You are gaining weight. I advise you __ more exercises.

c) to do


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