1.Our train__at 4.47 1)leaves 2)will live 3)is living 2.I’ve just__to Ann 1)talking...

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199 просмотров

1.Our train__at 4.47 1)leaves 2)will live 3)is living 2.I’ve just__to Ann 1)talking 2)talk 3)talked 3.She drinks__of tea. 1)much 2))few 3)a lot 4.Emma dreams of going to China and see__Great Wall 1)the 2)——-3)a 5.When Sarah came at the party,Paul__already____(go)home 1) have gone 2)had gone 3)was going 6.When you heat ice,it__ 1)melts 2)will melt 3)melt 7.This picture___at the beginning of the century 1)was painted 2)had painted 3)painted 8.Lisa___have cooked this delicious meal.She doesn’t even know how to boil an egg? 1)mustn’t 2)shouldn’t 3)can’t 9.Nathan is___ selfish to care about what others think of him 1)very 2) too 3)enough 10.Ben tells the__jokes I’ve ever heard 1)funnier 2)funniest 3)most funny 11.If I am not too busy,I__ to the concert 1)go 2)will go 3) to go 12.If Frank__us,we wouldn’t have finished the project on time 1)wouldn’t help 2)didn’t help 3) hadn’t helped 13. After living in London for a few months,Emma finally__driving on the left 1)used to 2)got used to 3) was used to 14. If we were in America,we__ to see Washington 1)will go 2)go 3)would go

Английский язык (312 баллов) | 199 просмотров
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1. will live
2. talking
3. much
4. -
5. have gone
6. melts
9. too
10. most funny
11. will go
12. didn’t help
13. ?
14. would go
I don’t know what in 7 and 13 questions, sorry

(56 баллов)