1. Emma usually to school by bus. a) goes b) is going c) went d) has gone 11. The baby...

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1. Emma usually to school by bus. a) goes b) is going c) went d) has gone 11. The baby already asleep. a) falls c) fell b) is falling d) has fallen 2. They I'll just I'll a friend. a) meet b) are meeting c) met d) have met 12. My mother coffee every morning. a) drinks c) drank b) is drinking d) has drunk 3. We lunch now. a) have b) are having c) had d) have had 13. He already all his money. a) spends b) is spending c) spent d) has spent 4. He Susan for a long time. a) doesn't see b) isn't seeing c) didn't see d) hasn't seen 14. They always computer games. a) play c) played b) are playing d) have played 5. I I! a big breakfast yesterday morning. ng. a) eat b) am eating c) ate d) have eaten 15. We a horror film last night. a) watch c) watched b) are watching d) have watched 6 They yo their at the moment 6. They their homework at the moment. a) do c) did b) are doing d) have done 16. Tim and Bill rarely to work. a) walk c) walked b) are walking d) have walked I sometimes I'll my father's clothes. 17. We our grandma last week. a) wear b) am wearing c) wore d) have worn a) visit c) visited b) are visiting d) have visited 8. David very tired yesterday. 18. It is very hot. The sun III. a) is b) is being c) was d) has been a) shines b) is shining c) shone d) has shone 9. I a very interesting book now. 19. Betty usually her sister to school. a) read b) am reading c) reads d) have read a) takes b) is taking c) took d) has taken 10. They in Paris since 2003. a) live c) lived b) are living d) have lived 20. We our exams two days ago a) pass c) passed b) are passing d) have passed Это тест

Английский язык (12 баллов) | 1.2k просмотров
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1. goes

11.  has fallen

2. have met

12. drinks

3. are having

13. has spent

4. hasn't  seen

14. play

5. ate

15. watched

6. are doing

16. walk

17.  visited

8.  was

18. is shining

9. am reading

19.  takes

10. have lived

20. passed

(70 баллов)